Supporting learners with ALN in Mainstream

Course date: 19th Sep 2024

The ALN reform act (Wales) has placed statutory obligations on schools to decide if a pupil has ALN or not. 

How confident are you in meeting the needs of all learners in your class?

This course will look at good practice in the mainstream classroom. You will learn about various strategies and ways to attune to your pupil’s needs. You will have the opportunity to access observations made by specialist teaching. These will be presented as examples for you to take back to school and support pupils who may be struggling or identified as having ALN.

£120.00 + VAT (20%)

Target Group: ALNCOs, NQTs, Teachers N-Y6
The course will cover:
  •  Awareness of various additional learning needs (including Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Pathological Demand Avoidance)
  •  Strategies/Targets for various Additional Learning Needs e.g. channelling behaviours.
  •  Awareness of different tools for measuring progress
  •  Points of reference for breaking down goals into smaller steps
  •  Insights
  •  Interpreting behaviours
  •  Attuning to individual pupil needs
  •  Managing Support Staff
  •  Q & A session

Tea & coffee will be provided, delegates are advised to bring a packed lunch.

Course Presenter: Angela Coates

EARLY YEARS / WELLBEING – Angela Coates is an Independent Educational Consultant and part time Advisory Teacher with over twenty years of experience working in the early years and primary setting.
Angela has spent the last twelve years in the Nurture Unit where she developed a reputation for successfully managing the most challenging classes. Angela Coates’ role as a part of running the Nurture unit included advisory work for Mainstream Schools and SLT duties predominantly dealing with Safeguarding and pastoral care/family liaison. Pupils in her care attended both settings. Therefore, she has experience of overseeing the fusion of Nurture and Mainstream classes. Angela now runs training courses for schools/parents/educational bodies etc. She has her own business page  where by she coaches Teachers and parents in supporting ALN. Angela’s main degree was in Language and Communication. She is an NGN (Nurture UK) qualified Nurture Teacher and level 3 OCN Forest School practitioner. She is Group Theraplay(R) trained and Mental Health First Aid Trained. Angela has been a volunteer for SNAP Cymru. Angela is passionate about ALN and continues to support and guide teachers in the Mainstream and Special Educational settings to successfully deliver the ALN reforms and Nurture/Inclusive Curriculums.

Course Location: Pembrokeshire Exclusive

ADDRESS:  Bloomfield House Community Centre, Redstone Road, Narberth, Pembrokeshire SA67 7ES
* Delegates are advised to bring a packed lunch
  • Please arrive from 8.45am for Registration and tea/coffee
  • Courses will start at 9.15am