Mark Making to Writing – Focusing on the Progression from ‘Developmental Pathways’ to Progression Step 1

Course date: 1st Oct 2024

Mark Making is integral to the process of creating confident and competent writers.

“Being able to assign meaning to marks is a creative endeavour that enables children to begin the journey of written communication, be that in drawings, writing or mathematical marks”

(A curriculum for funded non – maintained nursery settings p29)

The course aims to:

  • explore the stages of mark making leading to letter formation within rich and meaningful contexts
  • highlight drawing as a precursor to writing, storytelling and cognitive development indicator
  • share specific characteristics of high-quality provision which appropriately facilitate and support children’s early writing in nursery and reception classes
  • emphasise the importance of dance, music and rhyme in supporting fine/gross motor skill development
£210.00 + VAT (20%)

Target Group: Foundation Learning leaders, N/R Teachers, Non Maintained Settings, TAs

Course Presenter: Linda Davidge-Smith SFHEA MA

Linda Davidge-SmithLinda has over 32 years of experience in Primary Education. After gaining her NPQH and developing her expertise in Early Years Pedagogical Practice, Linda was proud to work as a teacher adviser for Newport LEA supporting schools in their delivery of Foundation Phase. With a passion for leading and maintaining excellence in schools, Linda moved the University of Newport, now the University of South Wales, where she became Head of Initial Teacher Education and Educational practice. Since working at the University Linda has contributed to several book and article publications and been a keynote speaker for both the Wales and Westminster Policy Forum. She actively works with Welsh Government and was part of The Foundation Phase Expert Group and ongoing ECEC Quality Framework. Linda has also provided materials for the induction programme for school mentors across Wales and the new Non-Maintained curriculum play lists that are now available on HWB. As the Head of both PGCE and Undergraduate Teacher Education Linda has a particular focus on quality delivery in Early Career Development (particularly NQTs) and Educative mentoring.

Course Location: South Wales - Cardiff

ADDRESS: Future Inn, Hemingway Road, Cardiff Bay, CF10 4AU
  START TIME: 8.30am coffee and registration for a 9.00am start
The Future Inn, Cardiff Bay