LIVE ONLINE: How to be an effective Family Engagement Officer (Morning 10am – 12pm)

Course date: 2nd Apr 2025

‘Over the next two years, £8.8m will be provided to increase school engagement and attendance including £1.5m to provide greater capacity for Family Engagement Officers (FEOs) to support learners with attendance’

The role of the family Engagement Officer has emerged over the last few years and is now being encouraged by Welsh Assembly Government.

Are you an F.E.O? Or do you want an F.E.O in your School? Join us for a day of step-by-step ideas and suggestions. Whether you are new to the role or want to review existing policies and practises, this course is for you.

The course will cover:

  •  Where to start?
  •  The role of the F.E.O
  •  Attendance
  •  Supporting pupil’s with barriers to learning
  •  Making school a more positive experience for learners and families
  •  Relationship building
  •  Holistic approach
  •  Establishing initiatives and running projects
  •  Signposting
  •  Crisis aversion
£125.00 + VAT (20%)

Target Group: ALNCO’s and SLT, Family Engagement Officers, Pastoral care team

Course Presenter: Angela Coates

EARLY YEARS / WELLBEING – Angela Coates is an Independent Educational Consultant and part time Advisory Teacher with over twenty years of experience working in the early years and primary setting.
Angela has spent the last twelve years in the Nurture Unit where she developed a reputation for successfully managing the most challenging classes. Angela Coates’ role as a part of running the Nurture unit included advisory work for Mainstream Schools and SLT duties predominantly dealing with Safeguarding and pastoral care/family liaison. Pupils in her care attended both settings. Therefore, she has experience of overseeing the fusion of Nurture and Mainstream classes. Angela now runs training courses for schools/parents/educational bodies etc. She has her own business page  where by she coaches Teachers and parents in supporting ALN. Angela’s main degree was in Language and Communication. She is an NGN (Nurture UK) qualified Nurture Teacher and level 3 OCN Forest School practitioner. She is Group Theraplay(R) trained and Mental Health First Aid Trained. Angela has been a volunteer for SNAP Cymru. Angela is passionate about ALN and continues to support and guide teachers in the Mainstream and Special Educational settings to successfully deliver the ALN reforms and Nurture/Inclusive Curriculums.


Zoom or teams meeting 

What Happens Next?
  • Please provide Collective Learning with the email address of the person who will be attending the training.
  • Your presenter will email a meeting invitation link to the person who is attending so that they can join her live on the day.
  • The meeting room will only be available to those who have been sent the link and will be admitted to the room on the day.
  • All resource materials will be sent electronically to the attendee after the event.
NB: The attendee may choose to attend the training from their home base if this has been approved by the school.