Live Courses
Book your courses here on our website, your school will be sent an invoice, or you personally (if you are booking as an individual). No payment is required at the booking stage. Click here to view our terms and conditions.
This full-day practical course will cover the coding aspect of the Science & Technology AoLE (WM6).
The morning session will focus on coding progression from PS1 to PS3, focusing on Bee-Bot, turtle on-screen, LOGO, BBC micro:bit and Scratch.
The afternoon session will focus on an introduction to ‘robotics’ using the Artec Robo ‘Early Education Kit’ to build and control a physical device (PS2) and to code (PS3) Each delegate will receive the kit to take back to their school.
How skilled and confident are your staff in teaching effective STEM?
D&T is an exciting and natural area to develop and support the four purposes and 12 pedagogical principles of the new curriculum. Learn how, through experiencing the challenges for yourself, before teaching them in the classroom.This is a hands-on session, where delegates will develop their understanding of the different areas in Design and Technology through practical team challenges.
This course will also look at progression from PS1 to PS 3.
There will be a focus on mechanical systems – linkages and gears using construction kits. All delegates will go home with a Robotics kit to use with the children back in class.