Live Courses
Book your courses here on our website, your school will be sent an invoice, or you personally (if you are booking as an individual). No payment is required at the booking stage. Click here to view our terms and conditions.
A half-day online course to make shared reading a key part of a school’s scheme of work
Shared reading is an essential strategy in each teacher’s literacy toolkit. During shared reading pupils practise increasingly complex skills in a supportive and engaging environment. This course shows how shared reading changes as pupils grow and mature.
Course Objectives:
- Explore how shared reading flexes and changes as pupils mature and look at models for teaching in PS1, PS2 and PS3.
- Examine the skills we need to teach pupils in each Progression Step and study a sample scheme of work.
- Look at ways to involve pupils in shared reading.
- Consider what goes into a shared reading toolkit.
Delegates will receive a sample scheme of work and resources to build a shared reading toolkit.
Date: Wed 5th March 2025
The Additional Learning Needs transformation programme came into practice on the 1 st of September 2021. The idea was to create a unified approach for young people from the age of 0-25.
An important part of this system is providing reasonable adjustments in daily classroom practice, this may be enough to meet the needs of most learners but how do we know?
Many questions still exist around how to track those pupils in the ‘grey ‘ area.
We will explore what to do with those pupils who are facing barriers to learning and look at
how to ensure we know if their needs are continuing to be met.
The course will cover:
- Who are the pupils we are looking to track and why? What are ‘barriers ‘ to learning?
- Case studies and different scenarios.
- Sharing of tracking ideas from other schools.
- Pros and cons of programmes and various strategies.
- Working with Parents.
- Opportunities to shape future support sessions.
Delegates need to bring their own lunch – tea and coffee will be provided.
This INSET at Golden Grove Primary consists of 2 half day sessions.
- £150 plus VAT per delegate for the whole day (schools are welcome to send different members of staff for the AM and PM sessions.)
- £120 plus VAT per delegate for AM only – CLICK HERE TO BOOK AM ONLY
- £80 plus VAT per delegate for PM only – CLICK HERE TO BOOK PM ONLY
AM Session 9 -12 noon
PM Session 1 – 3 pm Choose one of the following:
PS1/PS2 – DT INSET – Nerys Tudor Jones
This is a hands-on session, where delegates will develop their understanding of the different areas in Design and Technology through practical team challenges.
PS3 – Science INSET – Karen Mills
This session will look at the progression of Science Skills and how to teach them in the classroom
Whole Day booking – Please let us know which afternoon session you’d like to book in the order notes.
Science & Technology progression PS1-PS3 – Karen Mills & Nerys Tudor Jones
A half-day online course to enhance the teaching of writing.
Pupils’ spelling, punctuation and grammar errors far too frequently make their writing clumsy and hard to read. Their creativity and knowledge can be obscured by weak transcription skills.
This course will consider techniques to help you and your pupils to focus on accuracy in writing.
We will:
- Explore ways to help pupils to learn from their spelling errors
- Investigate how to support pupils to edit their work after completing the first draft and before marking
- Consider what pupils can do after marking to learn from any highlighted errors
- With support and guidance pupils can learn to write with clarity and precision.
‘The Languages, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning and Experience (Area) addresses fundamental aspects of human communication. It aims to support learning across the whole curriculum and to enable learners to gain knowledge and skills in Welsh, English and international languages as
well as in literature.’(CFW)
Whether you have a French qualification or if you get by with ‘oui oui’ and a lot of gesturing this course is for you! Join us for a fun day that will develop confidence in teaching and meeting the Modern Foreign Language aspect of the New curriculum for Wales.
The course will cover:
- A Free vocabulary/topic book to take away
- Ideas and activities for planning
- Ensuring progression across the curriculum
- Exploration of Free apps
- Assessment
Delegates need to bring their own lunch – tea and coffee will be provided.
This INSET at Golden Grove Primary consists of 2 half day sessions.
- £150 plus VAT per delegate for the whole day (schools are welcome to send different members of staff for the AM and PM sessions.)
- £120 plus VAT per delegate for AM only – CLICK HERE TO BOOK AM ONLY
- £80 plus VAT per delegate for PM only – CLICK HERE TO BOOK PM ONLY
AM Session 9 -12 noon (3 hours)
INSET for Humanities AoLE Leads to include £150 resources (Stepping Stones for Humanities) – Don Trueman
This session will describe and explain the essential building blocks of effective planning for, and evaluation of, skills-rich T and L in Humanities (particularly History, Geography, Social Studies). In addition to identifying and discussing key issues, such as: the interdependent roles of planning and assessment; developing an inquiry-based approach; developing adn practising cross-curricular skills; the session will provide a framework for progression in knowledge, understanding and skills from Nursery to Y6, supported by hundreds of suggestions for effective and appropriate T and L activities.
PM Session 1 – 3 pm (2 hours)
Humanity Skills for classroom teachers – Don Trueman
in the day.
AM Session 9 -12 noon (3 hours) at Golden Grove Primary
INSET for Humanities AoLE Leads to include £150 resources (Stepping Stones for Humanities) – Don Trueman
This session will describe and explain the essential building blocks of effective planning for, and evaluation of, skills-rich T and L in Humanities (particularly History, Geography, Social Studies). In addition to identifying and discussing key issues, such as: the interdependent roles of planning and assessment; developing an inquiry-based approach; developing and practising cross-curricular skills; the session will provide a framework for progression in knowledge, understanding and skills from Nursery to Y6, supported by hundreds of suggestions for effective and appropriate T and L activities.
Comprehensive course materials will be provided, on paper and digitally.
Humanity Skills for classroom teachers – Don Trueman
in the day.
A half-day online course to refresh the teaching of writing in WM4
Schools are charged with developing pupils’ creativity in WM4 (Literature Fires the Imagination) as pupils create their own literature.
Story writing allows pupils to explore ideas; expand their imaginations and express their unique view of the world. Opportunities to compose stories help children to grow.
This course will:
- Explore ways to use fiction texts to stimulate pupils’ imaginations
- Investigate ways to help pupils to plan narratives
- Consider how to help pupils to describe character and setting
- Think about the tips we can give pupils to write with flair and inventiveness.
- With focus we can help pupils to enjoy writing stories.
‘Over the next two years, £8.8m will be provided to increase school engagement and attendance including £1.5m to provide greater capacity for Family Engagement Officers (FEOs) to support learners with attendance’
The role of the family Engagement Officer has emerged over the last few years and is now being encouraged by Welsh Assembly Government.
Are you an F.E.O? Or do you want an F.E.O in your School? Join us for a day of step-by-step ideas and suggestions. Whether you are new to the role or want to review existing policies and practises, this course is for you.
The course will cover:
- Where to start?
- The role of the F.E.O
- Attendance
- Supporting pupil’s with barriers to learning
- Making school a more positive experience for learners and families
- Relationship building
- Holistic approach
- Establishing initiatives and running projects
- Signposting
- Crisis aversion
The Additional Learning Needs transformation programme came into practice on the 1st of September 2021. The idea was to create a unified approach for young people from the age of 0-25.
An important part of this system is providing Additional Learning Provision. Many questions still exist around ALP such as what constitutes ALP? How should ALP look in my School? Can ALP be enhanced through recommended programmes/strategies etc.
In order to understand ALP and ALN we first need to be aware of the legal requirements that were introduced with the ALNET.
The course will cover:
- Compliance
- What is and isn’t ALP?
- Case studies.
- Sharing of ideas from other schools.
- Pros and cons of programmes and various strategies.
- Working with Parents.
- Q and A session
This course explains how teachers can use whole class Drama to stimulate and practically support children, as individual and collaborative talkers and writers. It outlines how teachers can co-participate, as models, co-writers, editors and commissioners of writing at different stages of the writing process. Drama provides meaningful contexts, reasons and audiences for writing, as well as generating shared experiences and meaningful content. Some key Drama strategies will be presented as ‘Thought and Talk’ frames and links made between certain Drama strategies, different types of talk, and specific types of writing. A primary drama lesson will be presented, (a step at a time) and ways in which it is specifically supporting and leading children into writing, will be highlighted.
- 2 ‘Drama for Writing’ lessons
- The edited Powerpoint (as a PDF)
- 2 published articles
- A booklet of Drama Strategies
According to the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists …
‘There are fewer Speech and Language Therapists per head of population in Wales than any other part of the UK, as reflected in our membership data’.
This has had a huge impact on waiting times and access to support for pupils presenting with various speech and language difficulties across Wales. What can we do to support these pupils while they are waiting to be seen?
Whether you have some knowledge of speech and language difficulties or absolutely none this course is for you.
The course will cover:
- Child Language Acquisition
- Specific speech and language difficulties
- Screening and assessment tools
- IDPs/one page profile targets
- Activities and ideas
- Review of interventions
- Working with Parents
- Working with Speech and Language Therapists
This full-day practical course will cover the coding aspect of the Science & Technology AoLE (WM6).
The morning session will focus on coding progression from PS1 to PS3, focusing on Bee-Bot, turtle on-screen, LOGO, BBC micro:bit and Scratch.
The afternoon session will focus on an introduction to ‘robotics’ using the Artec Robo ‘Early Education Kit’ to build and control a physical device (PS2) and to code (PS3) Each delegate will receive the kit to take back to their school.
How skilled and confident are your staff in teaching effective STEM?
D&T is an exciting and natural area to develop and support the four purposes and 12 pedagogical principles of the new curriculum. Learn how, through experiencing the challenges for yourself, before teaching them in the classroom.This is a hands-on session, where delegates will develop their understanding of the different areas in Design and Technology through practical team challenges.
This course will also look at progression from PS1 to PS 3.
There will be a focus on mechanical systems – linkages and gears using construction kits. All delegates will go home with a Robotics kit to use with the children back in class.