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‘Over the next two years, £8.8m will be provided to increase school engagement and attendance including £1.5m to provide greater capacity for Family Engagement Officers (FEOs) to support learners with attendance’
The role of the family Engagement Officer has emerged over the last few years and is now being encouraged by Welsh Assembly Government.
Are you an F.E.O? Or do you want an F.E.O in your School? Join us for a day of step-by-step ideas and suggestions. Whether you are new to the role or want to review existing policies and practises, this course is for you.
The course will cover:
- Where to start?
- The role of the F.E.O
- Attendance
- Supporting pupil’s with barriers to learning
- Making school a more positive experience for learners and families
- Relationship building
- Holistic approach
- Establishing initiatives and running projects
- Signposting
- Crisis aversion
The Additional Learning Needs transformation programme came into practice on the 1st of September 2021. The idea was to create a unified approach for young people from the age of 0-25.
An important part of this system is providing Additional Learning Provision. Many questions still exist around ALP such as what constitutes ALP? How should ALP look in my School? Can ALP be enhanced through recommended programmes/strategies etc.
In order to understand ALP and ALN we first need to be aware of the legal requirements that were introduced with the ALNET.
The course will cover:
- Compliance
- What is and isn’t ALP?
- Case studies.
- Sharing of ideas from other schools.
- Pros and cons of programmes and various strategies.
- Working with Parents.
- Q and A session
This course explains how teachers can use whole class Drama to stimulate and practically support children, as individual and collaborative talkers and writers. It outlines how teachers can co-participate, as models, co-writers, editors and commissioners of writing at different stages of the writing process. Drama provides meaningful contexts, reasons and audiences for writing, as well as generating shared experiences and meaningful content. Some key Drama strategies will be presented as ‘Thought and Talk’ frames and links made between certain Drama strategies, different types of talk, and specific types of writing. A primary drama lesson will be presented, (a step at a time) and ways in which it is specifically supporting and leading children into writing, will be highlighted.
- 2 ‘Drama for Writing’ lessons
- The edited Powerpoint (as a PDF)
- 2 published articles
- A booklet of Drama Strategies
According to the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists …
‘There are fewer Speech and Language Therapists per head of population in Wales than any other part of the UK, as reflected in our membership data’.
This has had a huge impact on waiting times and access to support for pupils presenting with various speech and language difficulties across Wales. What can we do to support these pupils while they are waiting to be seen?
Whether you have some knowledge of speech and language difficulties or absolutely none this course is for you.
The course will cover:
- Child Language Acquisition
- Specific speech and language difficulties
- Screening and assessment tools
- IDPs/one page profile targets
- Activities and ideas
- Review of interventions
- Working with Parents
- Working with Speech and Language Therapists
‘Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a term originally developed by the British psychologist Elisabeth Newson in the 1980s and first used in a published research paper by Newson in 2003. It was used to describe a group of children who did not fit into the stereotypical presentation of autism recognised at that time but who shared certain characteristics with each other, the key one being a persistent and marked resistance to demands’.
‘Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a condition that is commonly seen in up to 50% of children and young people with ADHD’.
‘Sometimes it’s difficult to recognise the difference between a strong-willed or emotional child and one with ODD’.
Essex Partnership University NHS
Have you been faced with a pupil who seems to react negatively to your requests? Have you felt out of your depth? Would you like to develop your knowledge and understanding of ‘demand avoidance’ in order to recognise the difference between a strong-willed child and a child with ‘Demand avoidance’ patterns of behaviour?
This course will cover:
- What is Demand Avoidance?
- What is (PDA) Pathological Demand Avoidance?
- What is( ODD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder?
- What strategies can we use to support pupils displaying these behaviours?
This full-day practical course will cover the coding aspect of the Science & Technology AoLE (WM6).
The morning session will focus on coding progression from PS1 to PS3, focusing on Bee-Bot, turtle on-screen, LOGO, BBC micro:bit and Scratch.
The afternoon session will focus on an introduction to ‘robotics’ using the Artec Robo ‘Early Education Kit’ to build and control a physical device (PS2) and to code (PS3) Each delegate will receive the kit to take back to their school.
How skilled and confident are your staff in teaching effective STEM?
D&T is an exciting and natural area to develop and support the four purposes and 12 pedagogical principles of the new curriculum. Learn how, through experiencing the challenges for yourself, before teaching them in the classroom.This is a hands-on session, where delegates will develop their understanding of the different areas in Design and Technology through practical team challenges.
This course will also look at progression from PS1 to PS 3.
There will be a focus on mechanical systems – linkages and gears using construction kits. All delegates will go home with a Robotics kit to use with the children back in class.
This course looks at the progression of Science & Technology skills, which highlight the rich opportunities for literacy, numeracy and digital skills.
This full-day course will cover the computer science (WM6) component of the Science & Technology AoLE.
Practical sessions will focus on coding progression from PS1 to PS3, while also exploring WM6 topics such as sensors and actuators, making design decisions, computer connectivity, and data integrity, security, storage, and processing.
Delegates will receive a free progression ladder for WM6 (sold separately for £30 plus VAT)
A half-day online course to map extended writing opportunities
Estyn stresses the need for teachers to plan opportunities for authentic, independent extended writing across the curriculum.
Estyn notes: Overall, pupils do not have regular opportunities to write independently, particularly when writing in other areas of the curriculum.
This course helps you to plan for effective extended writing.
It will:
- Look at a model for planning extended writing in PS2 and PS3
- Explore how to map writing across the AoLEs and consider effective task setting
- Investigate ways to help pupils to retrieve and use information in their own writing.
The course will enable you to give your pupils meaningful opportunities to apply skills learnt in
literacy in authentic ways.
This full-day course will cover the computer science (WM6) component of the Science & Technology AoLE.
Practical sessions will focus on coding progression from PS1 to PS3, while also exploring WM6 topics such as sensors and actuators, making design decisions, computer connectivity, and data integrity, security, storage, and processing.
Delegates will receive a free progression ladder for WM6 (sold separately for £30 plus VAT)
How skilled and confident are your staff in teaching effective STEM?
D&T is an exciting and natural area to develop and support the four purposes and 12 pedagogical principles of the new curriculum. Learn how, through experiencing the challenges for yourself, before teaching them in the classroom.This is a hands-on session, where delegates will develop their understanding of the different areas in Design and Technology through practical team challenges.
This course will also look at progression from PS1 to PS 3.
There will be a focus on mechanical systems – linkages and gears using construction kits. All delegates will go home with a Robotics kit to use with the children back in class.
At the time of writing there are over 500,000 teacher support staff in the UK education system with approximately 31,000 of these being registered with the Education Workforce Council (EWC) in Wales and approximately 18,000 of these working in primary schools in Wales where they are now a larger section of the workforce than teaching staff (Department for Education, 2018; Education Workforce Council, 2017).
Research into the deployment of primary school support staff in Wales 11/07/19
As you can see above, it is vital that use these members of staff are used effectively.
This course will look at good practice in the mainstream classroom. You will learn about various strategies and ways to effectively use your staff to support children with ALN.
The course will cover:
- Encouraging motivation, morale and CPD.
- The role of Support staff in progression of children with ALN
- Driving routine, consistency and reward systems forwards
- Scaffolding V Spoon-feeding
- Independent skills
- Examples of timetables and models.
This full-day practical course will cover the coding aspect of the Science & Technology AoLE (WM6).
The morning session will focus on coding progression from PS1 to PS3, focusing on Bee-Bot, turtle on-screen, LOGO, BBC micro:bit and Scratch.
The afternoon session will focus on an introduction to ‘robotics’ using the Artec Robo ‘Early Education Kit’ to build and control a physical device (PS2) and to code (PS3) Each delegate will receive the kit to take back to their school.
How skilled and confident are your staff in teaching effective STEM?
D&T is an exciting and natural area to develop and support the four purposes and 12 pedagogical principles of the new curriculum. Learn how, through experiencing the challenges for yourself, before teaching them in the classroom.This is a hands-on session, where delegates will develop their understanding of the different areas in Design and Technology through practical team challenges.
This course will also look at progression from PS1 to PS 3.
There will be a focus on mechanical systems – linkages and gears using construction kits. All delegates will go home with a Robotics kit to use with the children back in class.
The ALN reform act (Wales) has placed statutory obligations on schools to decide if a pupil has ALN or not. How confident are you in meeting the needs of all learners in your class?
This course will look at good practice in the mainstream classroom. You will learn about various strategies and ways to attune to your pupil’s needs. You will have the opportunity to access observations made by specialist teaching. These will be presented as examples for
you to take back to school and support pupils who may be struggling or identified as having ALN.
The course will cover:
- Awareness of various additional learning needs
- Strategies/Targets for various Additional Learning Needs e.g. channelling behaviours.
- Awareness of different tools for measuring progress
- Points of reference for breaking down goals into smaller steps
- Insights
- Interpreting behaviours
- Attuning to individual pupil needs
- Role of Support Staff
- Q and A session